You see, my whole brand started with this here blog six years ago. I was a sophomore in college back in 2013, really just trying to figure out what I could do in my spare time. I’ve never stuck to blogging consistently, so doing this consistency challenge has really pushed me to get back to my first love, which is writing!
Always loved writing. Went to a high school that focused heavily on writing, and also got my BA in English Literature and completed a thirty-six page honors thesis. Writing has been something that’s been a part of me for so long.
But then, life happened and I got very inconsistent. I was trying to get through finishing college, got married, had all the babies, bouts of postpartum depression. If I’m honest, I really just kind of got lost in my new roles as a wife and mother and lost pieces of my self. I tried to get back in the game last summer and started to lose confidence and also wondered if I was even built for this influencer lifestyle because there are so many other women out here killing it.
But when Mattie started these consistency challenges, as daunting as the tasks were, I decided to go for it and bet on myself. I’m really proud of myself for going for it these past few months and challenging myself to get back to what I’ve always loved, which is writing and creating. Sharing my story. Sharing my journey. Being an inspiration to other women. Like, ugh! My IG community leaves me feeling so full sometimes!
So for me, it was never about the money. I told myself at the beginning of this challenge that I would do it, and honey, I am doing it! I’m excited for week four. Excited to finish this challenge strong. I’ve learned so much about what I’m capable of when I really put my mind to what I love. And really just excited to get back to me and do something just for me!

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