So, I did a thing. Your girl is back to blogging!
I know, it's been a hot minute since I've been on here. You see, your girl has issues with consistency, especially when life happens. I'm working on it though, I promise.
Let's see what's been going on around these parts? Leilani is three years old going on sixteen. Josiah is a full blown two year old. Oh yea, we had another baby two months ago.
Yes, you read right. A whole notha baby has been born lol. Crazy considering my last blog post was 6 Things You Need to Know About Your Second Pregnancy. Little did I know, we would conceive our third child that same night! Yea, life has been happening at an alarmingly fast rate. But, we're just over here trying to keep up.
On top of it all, if we're keeping it all the way 100 with one another, I've been struggling with feelings of inadequacy when it comes to this little piece of internet real estate I have here. Not necessarily comparing myself to others, but feelings of "Dang, where do I fit in in all of this?" I follow some amazingly dope women on Instagram who are mom bloggers, lifestyle bloggers, and hair bloggers. They're all busting out some dope content while going to school, being stay at home moms, or working full time. And then there's me - feeling like I'd never be able to keep up with it all. Besides, the market is so oversaturated with mom bloggers and lifestyle bloggers- what could I possibly say that hasn't been said already. Wrong mindset to have, I know. But, I'm keeping it real. These were my honest feelings.
That's the beauty in all of us though. We all have our own unique stories. And I love that social media connects us in a way where we can draw from one another's experiences. We can talk candidly about what we're going through and help someone who is going through the same exact thing. Feeling the same exact way. It really just took a lot of self reflection, and me looking at goals I set for myself three years ago that hadn't been checked off. Like sis. It's time to wake up and get to work.
This blog has been my passion project for the past six years. And I'm ready to really see this thing through. Pursing that which sets my soul on fire. Doing something for Danyelle. As a busy mom and wife, I need it now more than ever. This space has served as an outlet for me, as well as a hub of light and inspiration to others, and I want to continue walking in that light. Sharing my story. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
She remembered who she was,
and the game changed.
- Lalah Deliah
She remembered who she was,
and the game changed.
- Lalah Deliah

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