Something I know about myself is that I can be moody and emotional some days. Add postpartum hormones to the equation, it's easy for me to become overwhelmed by my emotions. I also know that I'm by biggest critic and if I don’t keep my mental in check, I can get stuck in my head and in my own world of thoughts, which is not good.
As I've gone through my twenties, I've come to realize that you become what you think. Literally. You can become what you think and your thoughts and mindset can create your reality. The mind truly is a powerful thing.
These days, I’m learning that everything is within my reach: joy, confidence, success, peace. You can speak these things, truly believe it, and begin to walk in it.
The cool kids call it affirmation. Affirmations are positive statements you speak over yourself to help you overcome self sabotage and negative thoughts.
The idea of affirmations sounds good in theory. You speak positive things to overcome the negativity, because the more you say it, the more you believe it. For me, affirmations leave out one thing.
Essentially, the power to overcome is through God Himself and not by our own strength. My flesh will fail me every single day so I know that I need God to renew my mind daily. It's not about relying on myself, but relying on the power of the Holy Ghost to bring about the change. It's about believing in who I am and who I can be because of Christ who resides in me. While saying things like I'm smart, I'm resilient, etc..., I like to add scripture to these statements.
Essentially, the power to overcome is through God Himself and not by our own strength. My flesh will fail me every single day so I know that I need God to renew my mind daily. It's not about relying on myself, but relying on the power of the Holy Ghost to bring about the change. It's about believing in who I am and who I can be because of Christ who resides in me. While saying things like I'm smart, I'm resilient, etc..., I like to add scripture to these statements.
It's a constant reminder that God is doing the work, not just me esteeming myself or esteeming myself higher than Him. I am constantly reminded that I have been given the power and authority to shift the atmosphere, my mindset, and my reality. It’s important for me to say these reminders to myself daily so my emotions don't get the best of me and to maintain a level of peace.
- I am beautiful. Psalm 139:14; Song of Songs 4:7
- Obstacles are simply challenges that I CAN overcome through Christ. Phillipians 4:13
- Mirror grace, not perfection. 2 Corinthians 12:9, Ephesians 2:8-9
- Peace is my portion. Colossians 3:15; 1 Peter 3:11; Phillipians 4:7
- I choose to shift my perspective and think positive. Romans 12:2; Phillipians 4:8; Matthew 15:11
- I have been specifically designed for a purpose. Psalm 139-14-16; Jeremiah 1:5
- I believe in ME.
- I CAN and I WILL. Psalm 27:1; Phillipians 4:13
- I am in charge of how I feel, and today I choose joy. James 1:2-3; Romans 15:13; Romans 12:12
- I have been given gifts and talents by God, which I will utilize for His glory. James 1: 17 1 Peter 4:10-11
- I am guided by the Holy Spirit who directs my every step and is with me always. Isaiah 59:21; Romans 8:26-27
- I know who I am, and whose I am. Deuteronomy 14:2; Jeremiah 1:5; Ephesians 1:11; 1 Peter 2:9
- I acknowledge my own self-worth, and am confident in myself and in my God-given abilities. Psalm 118:6; Psalm 59:9; Proverbs 3:26, Hebrews 10:35-36
- I have strength in my heart, and clarity of mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
- I radiate joy, love, beauty, charm, and grace. 1 Peter 3: 3-4; Palsm 16:11; Romans 15:13.

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