Its has been nothing but cold here in NYC, and I can't say me or my fro appreciates the cold weather.
Winter weather can be very rough on the hair — the colder the weather, the more susceptible your hair is to dryness and breakage.
If your hair has been dry and brittle, or if its been snapping and breaking off despite your normal hair care routine, it may be time to winterize your natural hair regimen.
To help you fellow naturalistas protect your tresses during these cold, bitter months, I'll share with you ladies some quick and simple tips to keep those kinks, coils, and curls hydrated this winter.
DIY blend on the hair to impart extra moisture prior to the shampoo process. The colder
months can really zap moisture out of the hair. Pre-poos help the hair retain moisture during
the shampoo process so your left with soft, luscious curls instead of curls that are parched even
after deep conditioning. Pre-poo's can sit on the hair for 15-30 minutes. Not to mention, Pre-
pooing softens the hair, aiding in the detangling process so your wash day goes a lot smoother
and is done in a fraction of the time.
Winter weather can be very rough on the hair — the colder the weather, the more susceptible your hair is to dryness and breakage.
If your hair has been dry and brittle, or if its been snapping and breaking off despite your normal hair care routine, it may be time to winterize your natural hair regimen.
To help you fellow naturalistas protect your tresses during these cold, bitter months, I'll share with you ladies some quick and simple tips to keep those kinks, coils, and curls hydrated this winter.
- Pre-poo/ hot oil treatments :: If you've been leaving hot oil treatments or pre-poos out of your hair care regimen, it may be time to incorporate them into your regimen for the winter months. You hair needs all the moisture it can get. So, what is a pre-poo? Glad you asked that question!
DIY blend on the hair to impart extra moisture prior to the shampoo process. The colder
months can really zap moisture out of the hair. Pre-poos help the hair retain moisture during
the shampoo process so your left with soft, luscious curls instead of curls that are parched even
after deep conditioning. Pre-poo's can sit on the hair for 15-30 minutes. Not to mention, Pre-
pooing softens the hair, aiding in the detangling process so your wash day goes a lot smoother
and is done in a fraction of the time.
- Deep Conditioning :: You may want to up your deep conditioning treatments during the winter months. Depending on how often wash days come around, try adding an extra deep treatment or two into your hair care regimen to ensure that your strands are thoroughly hydrated. For an added bonus, try sitting under a steamer, hooded dryer, or soft-bonnet dryer to allow the moisture from your deep treatment to really penetrate the hair shaft.
- Baby Those Ends :: Show those ends a little extra love with your favorite moisturizer and seal it in with an oil or a butter. The ends of the hair are the oldest, and it tends to be drier than the hair at the root. Show them a little extra love this winter and slather on a little extra moisturizer followed by your sealant of choice (shea butter, olive oil, castor oil, etc...).
- Nix the Shower Cap :: Now we usually throw on a shower cap before stepping into the shower because we don't want the steam ruining our hair. BUT, the winter is the perfect time to let the steam hit your curls. Letting the steam hit those curls rehydrates the hair, so you may want to toss the shower caps for now.
- Protective Styling :: Aside from all the moisture talk, the best thing you can do for your hair this winter is to tuck those ends away and leave your hair alone. Your hair is already under enough stress with the effects of the elements. Putting your hair into a protective style (mini-twists, flat twisted up do, Marley/Senegalese twists, etc...) puts less stress on the hair from the constant manipulation that comes with everyday styling and will lead to less breakage and more length retention. This does not mean, however, that you should neglect your hair! Protective styling does NOT mean you do absolutely nothing to your hair. It still needs to be treated and moisturized, so be sure not to skimp out on that step.
That was pretty simple, right? Add these simple steps to your regimen, and your hair will thank you for all the love! Hope this post helps!

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