Introduce yourself: Hi I’m Laqwanda, and I have been 100% natural for 9 months.
What made you decide to go natural? My daughter asked me one day why her hair wasn’t flat. After a discussion with her, I wanted to give her a better reflection of herself through me.
Did you Big Chop or did you Transition? I transitioned for 16 months (Aug 2011 to Dec 2012). My transitioning styles were: flat ironing 0-6 months, sew in month 7, updos/bantu knot outs/perm rod sets 8-11 months, mini twists 12-16.
What were some of your fears/concerns going into going natural? During a very difficult time in my life, I got a really short haircut on a whim. Due to the timing, I began to have negative thoughts about my appearance. I feared that once I cut off the remainder of my relaxed ends I would experience those emotions again.
Name some reasons why you are happy about your decision to go natural. First, I love it when my daughter tells people that I cut my hair so that I could have curls like her. When I cut off my relaxed ends, I was in a better place emotionally giving me the ability to look at myself and see beauty regardless of the length and texture of my hair.
What are some of your favorite hair products? Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition (shampoo,
conditioner, & deep conditioner).
Style: G.F. Curl Calm Down, Flax Seed Gel
Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie, Almond Oil
Current hair regimen? I co-wash every 7 to 10 days depending on the style I am wearing (more during the spring due to allergies) and dc every two weeks. I shampoo at least once a month applying it directly to my scalp. If my scalp is dry, I massage my scalp with a toothbrush. I also do not use heat.
What do you enjoy the most about being natural? Versatility
What advice would you give to someone who is considering going natural or a newly natural?
Natural hair journeys are just that, journeys. Take your time in discovering what your hair needs. Do not become frustrated if you cannot find what you are searching for immediately or if those needs change. You are far from being alone so seek help, ask questions, and do your research. However, remember regardless of how many articles you read or the number of people who respond to your questions the final decision regarding your hair will always lie with the person you see when you look in the mirror. It is your hair so do what works best for you.
Make sure to follow Laqwanda on all of her social networks!
Youtube: Regal Fro
Instagram: @ regal_fro

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