So last week I did my first Wash N Go ever since being natural!
I really wasn't sure how my hair would turn out since I had never done it before and didn't really know what to expect. The night before, I was too tired to twist up my hair, and it needed to be co-washed. I also only had an hour to get myself ready to go where I had to go and to do my hair, which was not enough time at all! I was up for a bit of a challenge that morning, but it had to get done.
I co-washed my hair with Tresemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner. I absolutely love this conditioner! It makes my hair super moisturized. I heard the packaging and formula has recently changed for this product. I hear the new formula is a lot thicker than the old formula, so I'll be purchasing the new bottle to see how the new formula works on my hair.
I used Eco Styler Gel Olive Oil for this style.
I wasn't sure how the gel would react with any oils or leave-in conditioners on my hair, and I didn't have time to wash my hair again if anything went wrong, so I just spritzed my hair with some aloe vera juice to seal in the moisture from the water.
I then applied the gel and did a combination of raking and smoothing the product through my hair. I then diffused my hair a little since I didn't want to walk around with wet hair. Here are my results:
I loved this style! I didn't think I would like it, especially since the front of my hair is the hardest part of my hair since I have little-no curl definition up there. It was even hard getting my curls to pop with the gel up there.
My hair was very coily, curly, and springy all over, which I loved! I was diggin the short fro for those five days! The eco-styler gel really did a good job at defining my coils and curls.
The eco-styler gel did make my hair a little hard and crunchy, but spritzing it with water every night softened it up a bit so I didn't mind. I'll be looking into ways to tweak my wash n go routine so my curls aren't hard (using less gel, using a different product, etc...).
How I Maintained My Wash N Go:
I was able to maintain this style for five days! Each day it looked like the style just got better and better. Every night, I spritzed my hair with a mixture of water and aloe vera gel, and applied some coconut oil on top. I then put my hair in multi-pineapples since my hair isn't long enough yet for one huge pineapple. To learn more about what multi-pineappling is, check out this article from
In the morning, I released my hair from the pineapples, applied a bit of coconut oil for some shine, and fluffed out my hair, and went on about my day.
I love the convenience of this style! It only takes about five minutes to prep your hair for bed, and five minutes to take it down and style it in the morning. This style is definitely a time saver, especially when you don't feel like spending twenty minutes re=twisting your hair every night. I'll be trying this style again on my next wash day so I'll have more time to experiment and try different methods.
Let me know what you ladies use for your wash n go and what your results were!

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