
Mattie James Consistency Challenge Recap

GIRL!  The Mattie James Consistency Challenge is officially over and yall…..sis is TI-RED! After getting through this month, I'm looking back at it with mixed feelings. Part of me sees all the things I could have done differently while the other part of me is so proud because I completed all 20 blog posts! They all may not have been perfect, but I pushed through. 


I’ve had plenty of moments where I felt like I had nothing to write for the blog, wasn’t sure if a blog post would make it up that day (hence last night’s super late post, but sis got it done). But I’m proud of myself for sticking through it till the end. 


So many late nights, and some early mornings just to prove to myself that I could do this and so many lessons along the way.  The biggest lesson: work smarter not harder. Working smarter saves so much time and energy, and makes you so much more efficient. Also sets you up for consistency! Here are some of the ways I plan to work smarter, not harder:




I realize that I need to prepare and position myself if influencing is something I want to do full time.  There’s so much that goes into content creation, and I need do the work to prepare and position myself for success. It’s not just going to fall into my lap. 




As much as it hurts my itty bitty soul to say this, cause I love my sleep, I really do need to establish a legit morning routine where I’m waking up significantly earlier than my kids and before my 8:30-5 starts so I can get some stuff done. Really hard to do, but on those mornings where I did get up early I knocked out quite a few things on my to-do list.




Sometimes I can be an over-acheiever, but with three kids and a full time job there isn’t a lot of room for that. Instead. Keeping a to-do list with three things I want to accomplish for the day helps keep me on task. 



I’ve said this before, but time blocking is a must for productivity! It keeps you on task, especially if you have a limited amount of time to accomplish something. 




As weird as it feels to put yourself out there, I didn’t write 20 blog posts for people not to read it! So while I didn’t promote as much as I would have liked to during the consistency challenge, you best believe we’ll be optimizing these posts for Pinterest and driving even more traffic to the blog!




There is so much that goes into producing great content consistently, and it’s my mission to really master it. I’ve really seen the benefit of having a process for content creation, a schedule on how to get it all done, and a calendar for when content will go live. 




Part of the reason why starting this consistency challenge was so important for me was because I wanted to do something just for me. Its easy to get lost in motherhood and lose bits and pieces of yourself. Writing and creating has always been an outlet for me. It’s my thing outside of being mommy. So it was important I do this so I can prove to myself that it can indeed be done! 

If you've rocked with me for this long THANK YOU! I hope you continue to follow along the journey! 










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