
6 Small Habits To Jumpstart My Day

Since working from home due to COVID, there’s been a few habits I’ve adapted that really just helps jumpstart my day, makes life easier for me, and helps me feel like myself. Being a work from home mom (for the time being), my days can get pretty hectic with work, the kids, and everything in between. Having a few habits that I stick to consistently helps me get on the good foot each morning and are just small things that really do make a difference. 

I definitely plan to build on this list throughout the year and as I find more of a rhythm. It’s most certainly not perfect, as some days I’m not able to get to all of these things depending on what's going on in my household. What does help me get these little pockets of time is having my mother-in-law here to help with the kids during the day while I work from home. I have more opportunity to steal away for a moment to knock some of these things out. Definitely looking to have more of a solid routine, especially a morning routine, by the end of the year that I can stick to consistently every single day. But for now, here's a few habits that I try to stick to daily:


I'll be honest, most days I don't have a full hour or even 20 minutes to dedicate to sitting down in prayer. But I do the best I can with what I have and try to find moments and opportunities for prayer. That can be when I’m making the kids breakfast, in the shower, or even when I steal away for my “bathroom breaks.”  Even as I’m going about my day, I pray in the spirit just because it renews my spirit to do so. 


I have to make my bed every single morning. The day just isn't right if I don't make my bed. It’s one of those habits I’m glad my mom drilled into us as kids because now it just flows so easily into adulthood. Making the bed is like a fresh start to the day and one of the things I'm sure to stay consistent in, if nothing else. It just makes the room look totally put together. On mornings where things are a bit crazy and I don’t get to it right away, hubs will go ahead and make the bed for me, which I appreciate. Our bedroom is just about the only room that’s off limits since our kids leave a trail of their things in just about every other room. I try to make sure the bedroom looks put together for peace of mind. 


I recently became more invested in my skincare, and its easily become one of those things I HAVE to do. If I do nothing else for myself that day, my skincare routine is the very least I can and will do for myself. It’s easy for your day to become filled with all the mom and kid things that you forget the pieces of life that make you feel like a woman and that make you feel like you. It’s important for my own sanity that I have at least 10 minutes to myself to love on my skin! 


There are so many benefits to drinking water when you first wake up in the morning, like flushing out toxins, awakening your metabolism, and fueling your brain. I try to start my mornings off drinking a full 16 oz bottle of water. Some days I’m better about this than other days, but being hydrated during the day really does help with my mood and really just helps to nourish my body, hair, skin, and nails from the inside out. 


I LOVE coffee! When I say my mornings are run on Jesus and coffee, I mean it. Can't get through them any other way. There’s nothing like a good cup of Joe to start the day off right. 


Because I’m in ABC/123 land with my toddlers even during the work day, it’s important for me to have something that’s just for me that I can stick to every single day. For me, that’s creating content. This brand has been part of me for the past six years now, and it’s something I’ve really enjoyed pursuing. I always say it’s my little passion project. Being able to pursue my passions as a mom is super important to me because so often we get so lost in motherhood that we forget about ourselves.

Now that I’m home, I have more time to create- whether that be writing a blog post, shooting content, editing some photos in Lightroom, or snapping photos of my kids and figuring out ways to tell my story through the moments captured. Creating something totally puts me in my element.

Doing these five things every single day are truly what helps make me feel most like myself and helps make a big difference in my day to day life. Are these habits perfect? Absolutely not.  A lot of times, we judge our loves based on what other people think we should be doing. The truth is, do what’s best for you and whatever works for you, your lifestyle, and your family. 

What small daily habits are you applying to your life that has helped make you feel most like yourself?

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