Black Breastfeeding week is about the fact that even within the breastfeeding community, black women are still underrepresented. There are gaping breastfeeding rates in the breastfeeding community. A most recent study from the CDC found that 75% of white women have ever breastfed versus the 58% of black women. How do you encourage black women to breastfeed and show them that they CAN succeed at if there are no examples of other black women doing it?
Even further, how do we even feel truly supported if the majority of lactation specialists that are here to help don't look like us? How can they identify with the culture and struggles of black women?
From our complex history of black slaves being used as wet nurses for their slave master's children to the lack of diversity in mainstream role models, even to the high infant mortality rate in black babies and how breastfeeding could protect them (black babies are twice as likely to die as white babies), there's a different dialogue around breastfeeding when it comes to black culture.
So why do we need a black breastfeeding week? I mean, black women are obviously just as capable of breastfeeding as white women. But there are some blatant iniquities that exist when it comes to opportunities, resources, and awareness for black women. It makes breastfeeding for black women a completely different ball game.
With my first child, I decided to breastfeed, even when I was ignorant to everything from the benefits, how to keep up milk supply, pumping, etc... because I knew it was best. Here I am today, breastfeeding our third child. I'm glad I fought through, and still fighting through. Fighting through the sore and cracked nipples I felt the first 2-3 weeks. The time spent researching how to get a better latch. Making sure I'm putting the right foods into my body for quality breastmilk. This week, I salute all the mamas who gave up a little bit of their time, their space, their energy just to give their babies a whole lot more.

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