
Archive: January 2016

How to Love Your Postpartum Body
Your body is powerful, and your self-worth is not in the way your body looks.
Eating Solids with Yumi Baby Food
Yumi is a science based meal delivery program that provides over 60 chef-curated baby meals made with fresh, organic ingredients and high quality superfoods.

I haven't blogged throughout my entire pregnancy due to my blog hiatus. While I have been journaling my pregnancy week to week (or when I had the energy to remember) in my own time, I figured I'd share these last few weeks here on the blog. A "Countdown to Baby," of sorts, since I'm just a few short months away.

I am officially in my third trimester! 30 weeks pregnant.....gaaaaahhhhh!! I don't even know what to say about week 30. Time is going by so FAST! Every day I ask myself how did I make it this far along this quick? I feel like it was just last month where I was waiting anxiously for my monthly friend to come, only to confirm my suspicions of me being pregnant when she didn't come on time. From here on out, I feel like the rest of my pregnancy is going to just fly right before my eyes!

As I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy, I've had time to reflect on how far God has brought my husband and I and really just meditate on His goodness. I figured I'd get a little personal in today's post and share a bit of our journey.

I've mentioned briefly in a previous post that my current pregnancy is actually my second pregnancy.

My husband and I first found out we were pregnant with our first child in April of 2015. Shocked was an understatement when I took those two pregnancy tests and saw those two pink lines. Not that I didn't think I could get pregnant, but...I didn't think I could get pregnant! I knew it would happen one day, but in that moment it just didn't seem real to me. According to my LMP (last missed period), I was five weeks when I found out I was pregnant.

Let's face it: taking care of a head full of kinks, coils, and curls can be a lot of work....but it doesn't have to be! One of the main reasons why some women are opposed to going natural is because "it's too much work."

We've heard it all before: "I can't go natural because it's too much work," or, "Your hair is so beautiful, but my hair can never do that." 

Besides, between our already full daily schedules, who has time to spend hours upon hours on wash day maintaining those curls, right?

If you want beautiful curls, but don't want to spend all day trying to get it, then this post is for you! Lazy doesn't have to equate to an unhealthy head of curls. What it does mean is applying smart, practical, and consolidated techniques that are sure to leave you with moisturized and healthy curls without spending hours trying to get the look.

Four years ago, I took the plunge and decided to go natural. I was tired of relaxing my hair, only for it to break off severely just a few short months later. While I have several years of natural hair expertise under my belt, when it comes to my hair sometimes I make so many careless mistakes that I often find myself asking, "Why did I just do that?"

Caring for natural hair requires a bit of maintenance and lots of TLC to flourish - washing, detangling, conditioning, moisturizing, and styling. There's mistakes along the way, but that's part of any journey.
Conquering Your Fears

Happy New Year! Can you believe it? 2016 is officially here, and the new year just brings so much hope and promise. I plan to make 2016 a good year in every area, living a life that is fulfilling, enjoyable, and completely purpose driven.

So, I guess this is the part where I say, "I'm sorry," right? And then I explain why I've taken yet another blog hiatus and promise that I'm back for good. I'll save us both the headache. But, to be completely and 100% real - Life happens, no matter how much we plan and despite some of our best intentions.

What I will do is be completely open and honest about what's been going on lately.

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