Introduce yourself: My name is Rolanda and I am 39yrs old and currently living in Cahokia, IL with my life partner and 2 kids, 7 and 13yrs old. Her and I have been together for approximately 3yrs and have plans on wedding soon. I work in customer service with a behavioral health company.
What made you decide to go natural & did you Big chop or Transition? I tried in 2009 and I shaved my hair clean off. My mother not knowing at the time of me dating women,says you look like a gay girl.. HUH! what is that suppose to mean? Whatever I let it grow back to appease my mother and not to have her detect that I was really into women.. So back to the CREAMY CRACK.. I met my now girlfriend in 2010 and she was already natural for 2yrs. So we go to Daytona and I decided to wear this short
What made you decide to go natural & did you Big chop or Transition? I tried in 2009 and I shaved my hair clean off. My mother not knowing at the time of me dating women,says you look like a gay girl.. HUH! what is that suppose to mean? Whatever I let it grow back to appease my mother and not to have her detect that I was really into women.. So back to the CREAMY CRACK.. I met my now girlfriend in 2010 and she was already natural for 2yrs. So we go to Daytona and I decided to wear this short
tight weave that so uncomfortable. So when I cam back I told my stylist to cut this
What were some of your fears/concerns going in to going natural? I was afraid of what others would say about my hair. I was afraid that my hair wouldn't grow at lightening speed. I was afraid that after this TWA phase, I'm going to be stuck and not know how to do my hair. Now why would I think that and I graduated from cosmetology school in 93? I guess fear of the unknown and not dealing with what's been routine all of my life "CREAMYCRACK"!
Name some reasons why you are happy about your decision to go natural: YOUTUBE is loaded with inspiration to keep you motivated in your natural process. I was happy when my office associates came in one by one with a Big Chop because of me. The compliments! Oh boy, the
mess off in a cute pixie cut. I went from there.What were some of your fears/concerns going in to going natural? I was afraid of what others would say about my hair. I was afraid that my hair wouldn't grow at lightening speed. I was afraid that after this TWA phase, I'm going to be stuck and not know how to do my hair. Now why would I think that and I graduated from cosmetology school in 93? I guess fear of the unknown and not dealing with what's been routine all of my life "CREAMYCRACK"!
Name some reasons why you are happy about your decision to go natural: YOUTUBE is loaded with inspiration to keep you motivated in your natural process. I was happy when my office associates came in one by one with a Big Chop because of me. The compliments! Oh boy, the
complaints are nice
What are some of your favorite hair products? I started with Shea Moisture because it was cheap and free of all of the junk a curly girl should have in there hair. Then I moved to 4Naturals, we bought the product for our daughters hair. But we found it wasn't working. We tried some others that I can't remember. Now I love PINE TAR SOAP for a shampoo and coconut oil as conditioner.
I just used Lush henna and loved it. Even though it was a messy process.
I just used Lush henna and loved it. Even though it was a messy process.
What is your current hair regimen? When I find the opportunity to do my hair, that's when I do it. My life is very busy, so I don't have set day or time.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering going natural or a newly natural? My advice would be for naturals or newly naturals, be patient it takes time to understand your hair. Don't let others persuade you to their methods. Its your hair! Have fun with it. Oh, and don't be a product junkie if you can avoid it, Lol.
Make sure to check out Rolanda on all of her social networks!
Facebook: RolandaNaturalrndqt
Tumblr: Random Natural Blogger
Instagram: NaturalRNDQT
Twitter: BrownieSTIX.

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